Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Road to Taos, My Snake

This morning me and Stan spread quite a lot of compost on the fields.  Minus the 15 minute buttered toast break at ten o'clock, we spread compost for about four hours, from eight until noon.  Then the solar panel guy bumbled down the drive on his crotch rocket around noon, and we had lunch.  I panted through my sandwich.  Stan breathed smooth as a one year old.  "That's your cigarettes," he said, pulling a cool and easy breathe.  I attempted a rebuttal.  "I'm 72," Stan said, "How old are you?"  I took his point.  After lunch Stan took his customary nap, and I retired to the terrace to smoke.  Post lunch, I stepped on a rattlesnake while harvesting sorghum.  I'd been wanting to see one, but not like that. I jumped.  I shouted "Holy Fuck!"  Stan came out of the house, wondering what the clatter was about.  I finished harvesting the sorghum.  "You better write about that snake tonight," Stan chuckled.  "Yeah, I can see it now: 'Dear Readers, I'm in the Santa Fe hospital...'" So that's my snake story.  Enjoy the hot new video... 


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