Basic pasta dough recipe:
2 cups flour, three eggs, pinch salt, 1 fluid ounce water;
Then, heap the flour onto the counter and form what is called a "well." Basically, it's a heap with a big hole in the middle for the eggs, salt, water.
Then, start whisking the eggs while slowing incorporating the flour from the inner edge of the well. When your dough gets "shaggy," begin kneading it by hand. Knead the hell out of it and chill it for half and hour in the refrigerator; then pull it out and knead the hell out of it some more.
Finally, the rolling. If you don't have a fancy pasta cranker like I do, you're in for a lot of work. Just watch the video. I should get around to putting it together pretty soon. In the meantime, check out this link about ravioli if you want to learn more.
where's the fucking video, huckster?
It's coming, huckster.
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