Making potato chips at home is fairly easy, but there is the problem of the left-over oil. To make a good potato chip, you need a stainless steel pot (at least three quarts), a skimmer, salt, thinly sliced potatoes, and A LOT OF HOT OIL. Well, what to do with all that oil? You can't just pitch it in the backyard. I store my used oil in quart mason jars - and return it to the jars after it has cooled. I'm not a masochist, like some poets out there.
Anyway, making potato chips at home is easy. Didn't I just say that a moment ago? Well, I lied. Making bad potato chips is easy. Making good potato chips is somewhat more difficult, but you should not be deterred. If once you fail, try again. The elusive, perfect potato chip is within your grasp.
And so there it is, my first lesson: keep trying. All things being equal, but potato chips being more equal than most books of contemporary poetry, nothing worth doing is only worth doing once. This is how we improve. Any fool knows that fool hardiness is the ultimate proof.
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