Sunday, December 6, 2009

If I Was a Sandwich

It's not that I've stopped eating, nor that I've stopped cooking. It's not even that I've stopped taking pictures and video of eating and cooking. It's that I've been eating a lot of the same things, and this blog isn't really about endless lentil burritos (or maybe it is).

Anyway, the other day I made a bacon sandwich before class. I had a couple minutes before I needed to head out the door, so I picked up my uke and sang a couple lines of praise for my sandwich. Then I went and taught class. It was evaluation day. I sat out in the hallway while my kids filled in bubbles with #2 pencils. When class ended, I headed directly home to write a song about sandwiches. This is the song I wrote. It needs some work (and some more verses/sandwiches), so my ears are open...

If I Was a Sandwich


Monkey Boy said...

Best Song I have ever heard. ( and yes, I've heard Candle in the Wind)

Vlado&Toni said...

hey, you're good :) I would be an open faced sandwich.. anything goes :9 good song by the way.. you have some talent there :)