Sunday, September 19, 2010

banh mi

In this theoretical other world, I teach this theoretical class about training service robots to perform various sexual duties and also bathroom cleaning functions, and I happen to teach this class on a platform that is known in this theoretical other world as the outer-strand, and it always happens that one student misunderstands the directions of an assignment and submits his assignment to the wrong mail box.  Anyway, I am not supposed to talk about class on the internet.  Banh mi—mmm.  It is clear that our submitter is about to continue enjoying his sandwich.  Thanks submitter.  (Photo courtesy of P. Simms)


Anonymous said...

EP --- Ahh, I went to that place long before Chef Simms. It used to be my secret 'Pulp Fiction type joint' and I would strole out with a somewhat full belly and back into LA. It was through this place that I became known as That Guy, before Scott Coley of Streator Illinois was able to achieve it. I will go there some day soon hopefully, after I am one with LA again -- and the city has suchness to offer a pathetic soul as myself that refrains from human interaction, because it is like living in a movie in this place, and I guess it's time to start things up again and see what happens. At any rate they served me a bad one at this Vietnamese place and I never went back. 2 dollars? It I had a girlfriend I'd take her there because I'm lower class: got to find the places that are cheap and good, and still get laid even though you ain't shit in the world.

Anonymous said...

on second thought, I'm ducking out of this one, even though I'm poor as shit, and am tired of sandwiches even though they are god's gift to food in all entireness. I want sushi. I made some once: bought some salmon with food stamps and me and this photo dude in east hollywood tried our hands at producting sticky rice and it worked to an extent: they're just experts at the restaurants. If I ever get sick from sushi that will be the end of it. I dnn't have to work I guess, but I eat cheap ass Trader Joe food. They closed the KFC in my neighborhood, ghetto, it is, around here. Soon I will wander out of LA in search of real home cooking, with a napsack, and good tidings. I shall find real life in Nebraska, because unfortunately it isn't here...

Anonymous said...

EP --- what do you think about Internet Personal classifieds, where you respond to an ad with a couple pictures and then she asks to see more "face pics," and then you send them and then she doesn't write back? do you think the girl at the helm or conduction of the said ad is like the master of it all, and in charge of her domain: thereby giving much credence thereforth to the one she chooses: thee with the most spectacular and mighty face pic of them all. Possibly a shot that could part the red seas if it was a christian site, but likely most not of that which, but rather a lousy chick in need of giant prongs to make her day better. Hey, I just wanted to make out, and I am quite handsome, and I think I'll just try the streets of Hollywood instead of your dumb electronic shit!!